vendredi 14 mars 2014

Can Money Buy Us Happiness? The Psychology of Materialism, Animated

Experiences vs. things, or why the emotional rewards of pro-social spending outshine those of self-interest.
“Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants,” Ben Franklin is often (perhaps mis-)quoted as having proclaimed. In asking what you would do if money were no object, Alan Watts echoed Franklin as he advocated forliberating creative purpose from money-work. But what does science say? Count on AsapSCIENCE to illustrate the answer:
Humans are very sensitive to change: When we get a raise or commission, we really enjoy it — but we adapt at incredible speeds to our new wealth. Some studies have shown that in North America additional income beyond $75,000 a year ceases to impact day-to-day happiness.
Complement with this delightful vintage illustrated primer on how people earn and use money, an amusing and somewhat unsettling memento from the golden age of consumer culture.

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